About School

Chailengta Government English Medium HS School is located at the heart of Longtharai valley Sub – division. It is a place where all section of people from different religion of all schedule tribe schedule cast and minorities are hoping on this school.

 Here, the students are taught the fundamentals of life as well as how to grow and survive in life. Chailengta Government English Medium HS School is affiliated to CBSE. The school was established in 2004 and is managed by the department of school education. The medium of instruction in the classroom is English. There are 26 numbers of teachers in the school. The school is in the rural area under Manu RD block, Dhalai Tripura. The number of students enrolled in the academic year 2023 -24 from nursery to class XII is 1092.

The honorable Prime Minister Sri Narendra Modi ji has launched the mission 100 and converted the government High schools to Vidyajyoti schools with state of art facilities for providing quality education on 26-10-2021 and Chailengta government school is listed as one among the 100 mission.

The students are also given extracurricular activities like games and sports. The school has a very large building, classrooms, toilet facilities, drinking water facilities, science laboratory, art and craft rooms, library etc. The school is just attached to the national highway road and the students can reach the school easily on any weather conditions.

The students have so many achievements in state level as well as national level. The students also participate in the competitions like art, qui, debate; Mathematical science olympaid etc. student’s achievement is the measurement of the amount of academic content.

The students also achieve scholarship, academic award, prizes and certificates. The school runs in a single shift and the school time starts from 9.00 AM and ends at 3:30 PM.

Further every Friday meeting is held among the teachers about miscellaneous agendas where the Principal along with other teachers discuss about the advancement and development of the school as well as students.

This school also provides cooked Mid-day meal to the students of nursery to class VIII by maintaining proper hygiene.